As a physician, it is essential for you to be credentialed and be in par with several prominent insurance carriers. You have to add this on top of your task list to improve your practice performance and serve your patients in a better way. Just like taking up professional licenses or buying a new machine for clinical procedures, getting credentialed is also an essential requisite to run a smooth practice with minimal risks. There are companies that provide physician credentialing services. You can save time and reduce the paper work by outsourcing the work to them. Continue reading “Why physician credentialing is important?”
Reducing the AR days and improving the health care collections
Improving healthcare collections –
The money that is pending from the insurance companies as receivables and the AR days will define the performance of the medical billing company or the provider’s office that is collecting the receivables. That’s why AR analysis is considered as one of the key sectors of medical billing. Continue reading “Reducing the AR days and improving the health care collections”
How do you get rid of heavy work pressure, save time and money while you outsource medical billing?
Healthcare billing involves interaction with patients, insurance companies, clearing house and other organizations making it a complicated process. It is also a time consuming process that includes insurance eligibility verification, patient demographics, medical coding, charge entry, claim submission, payment posting, denial management and accounts receivables management. Apart from this, medical billing also requires potential human resource, proper communication and regular follow-ups. Continue reading “How do you get rid of heavy work pressure, save time and money while you outsource medical billing?”
4 main reasons why physicians should outsource medical billing
For enhanced patient care:
The prime goal of doctors is to render quality service to their patients. They also have to keep up with their patient schedules that they do not find time to maintain their work – life balance! How many times do we see doctors skipping their meals to attend long hour operations? It’s obvious that they don’t have time to work on medical billing and other back office activities that demands complete focus. On the other side, when they don’t concentrate on medical billing, they will be losing millions of dollars in improper billing. Continue reading “4 main reasons why physicians should outsource medical billing”
How to choose a good medical billing company for outsourcing?
Step to success: Home work before you hire a medical billing company in India for outsourcing
Continue reading “How to choose a good medical billing company for outsourcing?”The pros and cons of offshore outsourcing – At a glance
Offshore outsourcing- What researches say?
There are several hundreds of researches on outsourcing, by now. Analyzing these researches, field experts say that “Medical billing companies prefer to do offshore outsourcing because of the tremendous cost savings they get from the deal”. Continue reading “The pros and cons of offshore outsourcing – At a glance”
5 main reasons why medical billing companies choose to outsource
Let’s see why medical billing companies outsource medical billing to other companies:
Continue reading “5 main reasons why medical billing companies choose to outsource”