Data Conversion
Changing Billing systems? Getting all your old data is mission critical.
Avoid duplicate data entry by utilizing ecare’s Data conversion services…
Data Conversion
Outsourcing of Data Conversion is a vital decision that has to be taken wisely. It involves transformation of your data into a new database and is very critical for effective functioning.
ecare helps customers migrate from one billing software to another. Sometimes the existing software's data cannot be used as input into the new software during software migration, In such cases, we do a manual conversion of the data and no matter how complex and voluminous is the task, ecare provides comprehensive data conversion services. With 25 years of experience, we offer wide spectrum of modern data conversion tools that helps in quick and cost effective and sets us apart from various other service providers. We have a team of conversion professional who excel in their field and ensure the conversion is accurate and reliable.
We organize your data in a structured way so that you can access it without troubles. Save yourself the hassles of piles of papers and documents. Convert your valuable documents and reports in simpler formats and avoid data redundancy.
We Deliver:
- 98% accuracy
- 100% audit & reconciliation
About Outsourcing
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