Healthcare Credentialing Services

Healthcare Credentialing

Healthcare Credentialing

Healthcare Credentialing is identified as one of the most laborious and challenging part for physicians and medical groups; however it is also one of the most important step for any healthcare facility to ensure patient safety and revenue flow as mentioned below:

Importance of Healthcare Credentialing:

It is essential for the medical providers and practices to keep their credentialing privileges active at all given time avoiding any lapse with the provider credentialing privileges. Failure to get re-credentialed on time directly affects timely claim submission, denies access to patient care and hold back claim reimbursement from insurance company.

Re-credentialing or Credential renewals:

“Set it and forget it” Is not a strategy that goes well with Healthcare Credentialing as physician credentialing should be renewed or re-credentialed to keep the healthcare credentials active. Each state in the U.S have their own time limit for re-credentialing and it is mandatory for the physicians to ensure they have a reminder to get the re-credentialing process initiated well in advance to avoid lapse of their provider credentialing privileges.

Outsourcing healthcare credentialing can be the best choice as the rules and regulations vary with each State in U.S. Every insurance company have their own policies, there are variations depending on the medical specialty and the type of credentialing services required. These variations with application type, processing methodology, required supporting documents all put together intensifies the process complexities mandating a qualified credentialing expert to handle each credentialing applications efficiently.

Outsourcing Healthcare Credentialing:

e-care has specialized team for provider enrollment and credentialing services who strive towards taking the challenges and complexities off from the provider’s shoulders with our continuous efforts towards keeping credentialing privileges intact. e-care has a systematic approach towards each physician credentialing application and approach them with clear understanding on the nuances which makes e-care the best offshore partner for Healthcare Credentialing Services.

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Quick Facts

  • Experience in 35+ Specialties
  • Expertise in more than 25 different billing Software
  • 98% Quality SLA for Coding and Billing
  • Collected over $ 1 Billion
    Average AR Days 34
  • 96% Claim First Pass Rate
    95% Collection Ratio


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